Monday, June 30, 2008

Back in the USA

It's good to be home. I love America! I had no idea how different China and Japan were. The people, the atmosphere, the prices (HA). It was a completely different experience. Tokyo is so big that it's hard to see everything, especially when it's raining. A meal can cost $20 and not fill you up. A quizno's sub is around $8.50. The people are always dressed nice- men in suits and ladies in high heels. How do they stand it? They don't believe in "casual Friday!" They sleep on the metro and still manage to make their stops. The stores open late and close early. The metro closes btwn 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m; therefore, if you want to go out, your options are limited... pull an all nighter (bars stay open that late), pay for a cab (with your first born), or run like Cinderella at midnight! ha
Overall, I have had a wonderful experience. I wish I could talk about it all but there's just too much to tell. I will post a few pics. I think I will keep up this blog and write a little when I have my surgery on July 15. Peace and love!

1 comment:

ksball13 said...


Kevin Ball here, remember me? We taught together in Lancaster. I helped you buy your car. I would love to catch up with you. Email me at!!